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Turrietta, E. and Reidenbach M.A., 2024, Edge effects of a fragmented seagrass habitat on flow, bivalve recruitment, and sediment dynamics, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 732, 52-71 (link to PDF).

Murphy, E.A.K. and Reidenbach M.A., 2024, Pulsatile ventilation flow in polychaete Alitta succinea burrows. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12, 1037.

Kadakia N., Demir M., Michaelis B.T., DeAngelis B.D., Reidenbach M.A., Clark D.A., and Emonet T., 2022, Odour motion sensing enhances navigation of complex plumes, Nature, (PDF, News and Views).

Murphy E.A.K., Barros J.M., Schultz M.P., Flack K.A., Steppe C.N., and Reidenbach M.A., 2022, Boundary layer hydrodynamics of patchy biofilms, Biofouling, doi:10.1080/08927014.2022.2117033 (link to PDF).

Hogan S., Murphy E.A.K., Volaric M., Castorani M., Berg P., and Reidenbach M.A., 2022, Influence of oyster reefs on infauna and sediment spatial distributions within intertidal mudflats, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 686, 91-106 (link to PDF).

Smith R.S., Hogan S., Tedford K.N., Lusk B., Reidenbach M.A., Castorani M., 2022, Long-term data reveals greater intertidal oyster biomass in predicted suitable habitat, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 683, 221-226 (PDF).

Hogan S. and Reidenbach M.A., 2022, Quantifying trade-offs in ecosystem services under various oyster reef restoration designs, Estuaries and Coasts, 44(3), 677-690 (link to PDF).

Banerjee D., Langberg K., Abbas S., Odermatt E., Yerramothu P., Volaric M., Reidenbach M.A., Krentz C., Rubinstein C.D., Brautigan D., Abbas T., Gelfand B., Ambati J., Kerur N., 2021, A non-canonical, interferon-independent signaling activity of cGAMP triggers DNA damage response signaling, Nature Communications, 12, 6207, doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26240-9 (PDF).

Allen T., Behr J., Bukvic A., Calder R., Caruson K., Connor C., D’Elia C., Dismukes D., Ersing R., Franklin R., Goldstein J., Goodall J., Hemmerling S., Irish J., Lazarus S., Loftis D., Luther M., McCallister S.L., McGlathery K., Mitchell M., Moore W., Reid Nichols C.R., Nunez K., Reidenbach M.A., Shortridge J., Weisberg R., Weiss R., Donelson Wright L., Xia M., Xu K., Young D., Zarillo G., Zinnert J., 2021, Anticipating and adapting to the future impacts of climate change on the health, security and welfare of low elevation coastal zone (LECZ) communities in Southeastern USA, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 1196, doi:10.3390/jmse9111196 (PDF).

Hogan S., Wiberg P.L., and Reidenbach M.A., 2021, Utlizing airborne LiDAR data to quantify marsh edge morphology and the role of oyster reefs in mitigating marsh erosion, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 669, 17-31 (link to PDF).

Reidenbach M.A., Stocking J.B., Szczyrba L., Wendelken C., 2021, Hydrodynamic interactions with coral topography and its impact on larval settlement, Coral Reefs, doi:10.1007/s00338-021-02069-y (link to PDF).

Zhu Q., Wiberg P., Reidenbach M.A., 2021, Quantifying seasonal seagrass effects on flow and sediment dynamics in a back-barrier bay, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016547. (PDF).

Besterman A.F., McGlathery K.J., Reidenbach M.A., Wiberg P.L., and Pace M.L., 2021, Predicting benthic macroalgal abundance in shallow coastal lagoons from geomorphology and hydrologic flow patterns, Limnology and Oceanography, 66, 123-140. (PDF).

Leathers K., Michaelis B., and Reidenbach M.A., 2020, Interpreting the spatial-temporal structure of turbulent chemical plumes utilized in odor tracking by lobsters, Fluids, 5, 82, doi:10.3390/fluids5020082 (PDF).

Michaelis B., Leathers K., Bobkov Y., Ache B., Principe J., Baharloo R., Park I.M., and Reidenbach M.A., 2020, Odor tracking in aquatic organisms: the importance of temporal and spatial intermittency of the turbulent plume, Scientific Reports, 10, 7961, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64766-y (PDF).

Volaric M.P., Berg P., and Reidenbach M.A., 2020, Drivers of oyster reef ecosystem metabolism measured across multiple timescales, Estuaries and Coasts, doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00745-w (PDF).

Pasour V.B., White, B.L., Ghisalberti M., Adams M.P., Long M.H., Reidenbach M.A., Shavit U., Samson J.E. (Editors), 2020, Canopies in aquatic ecosystems: Integrating form, function, and biophysical processes, Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA. doi:10.3389/978-2-88963-340-1 (PDF).

Hogan S. and Reidenbach M.A., 2019, Quantifying and mapping intertidal oyster reefs utilizing LiDAR-based remote sensing, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 630, 83-99, (link to PDF).

Volaric M.P., Berg P., and Reidenbach M.A., 2019, An invasive macroalga alters ecosystem metabolism and hydrodynamics on a tidal flat, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 628, 1-16, doi:10.3354/meps13143. (PDF), MEPS Feature Article

Reidenbach M.A. and Timmerman R., 2019, Interactive effects of seagrass and the microphytobenthos on sediment suspension within shallow coastal bays, Estuaries and Coasts, doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00627-w (link to PDF).

Wiberg P.L., Taube S.R., Ferguson A.E., Kremer M.R., and Reidenbach M.A., 2019, Wave attenuation by oyster reefs in shallow coastal bays, Estuaries and Coasts, 42, 331-347, doi:10.1007/s12237-018-0463-y (link to PDF).

Murphy E.A.K, Barros J.M., Schultz M.P., Flack K.A., Steppe C.N., and Reidenbach M.A., 2018, Roughness effects of diatomaceous slime fouling on turbulent boundary layer hydrodynamics, Biofouling, 34, 976-988, (link to PDF).

Stocking J.P., Laforsch C., Sigl R., and Reidenbach M.A., 2018, The role of turbulent hydrodynamics and surface morphology on heat and mass transfer in corals, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15:20180448, doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0448 (PDF) Featured in: Cover Photo.

Reidenbach M.A. and Thomas E.L., 2018, Influence of the seagrass, Zostera marina, on wave attenuation and bed shear stress within a shallow coastal bay, Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, (PDF).

Volaric M.P., Berg P., and Reidenbach M.A., 2018, Oxygen metabolism of intertidal oyster reefs measured by aquatic eddy covariance, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599, 75-91 (PDF).

Reidenbach M.A., 2018, Tracking odorant plumes, in Olfactory Receptors: Methods and Protocols, ed. F.M. Simoes de Souza and G. Antunes, Springer New York, 251-263 (PDF).

Hansen J.C.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2017, Turbulent mixing and fluid transport within Florida Bay seagrass meadows, Advances in Water Resources, 108, 205-215 (PDF).

Murphy E.A.K., Barros J.M., Schultz M.P., Flack K.A., Steppe C.N., and Reidenbach M.A., 2017, The turbulent boundary layer structure over diatomaceous slime fouling. Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Chicago, IL, USA (PDF).

Ludeman D.A., Reidenbach M.A., and Leys S.P., 2017, The energetic cost of filtration by demosponges and their behavioural response to ambient currents, Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 995-1007. (link to PDF).

Murphy E.A. and Reidenbach M.A., 2016, Oxygen transport in periodically ventilated polychaete burrows, Marine Biology, 163, 208. doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2983-y (link to PDF).

Stocking J.B., Rippe J.P., and Reidenbach M.A., 2016, Structure and dynamics of turbulent boundary layer flow over healthy and algae-covered corals, Coral Reefs, 35, 1047-1059 (PDF).

Park I.J., Hein A.M., Bobkov Y.V., Reidenbach M.A., Ache B.W., and Principe J.C., 2016, Neurally encoding time for olfactory navigation, PLOS Computational Biology, 12(1): e1004682. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004682 (PDF).

Waldrop L.D., Koehl M.A.R., and Reidenbach M.A., 2015, Flexibility of crab chemosensory sensilla enables flicking antennules to sniff, The Biological Bulletin, 229, 185-198 (PDF).

Hubbard A. and Reidenbach M.A., 2015, The effects of larval swimming behavior on the dispersal and settlement of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 535, 161-176 (link to PDF)

Berg P., Reimers C.E., Rosman J.H., Huettel M., Delgard M.L., Reidenbach M.A., and Ozkan-Haller T., 2015, Technical Note: Time lag correction of aquatic eddy covariance data measured in the presence of waves, Biogeosciences , 12, 6721-6735 (PDF).

Pravin S., Mellon DeF., Berger E.J., and Reidenbach M.A., 2015, Effects of sensilla morphology on mechanosensory sensitivity in the crayfish, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 10, 036006, doi:10.1088/1748-3190/10/3/036006 (PDF).

Mellon DeF., Pravin S., and Reidenbach M.A., 2014, A nose too far: regional differences in olfactory receptor neuron efficacy along the crayfish antennule, The Biological Bulletin, 227, 40-50 (link to PDF).

Li A. and Reidenbach M.A., 2014, Forecasting decadal changes in sea surface temperatures and coral bleaching within a Caribbean coral reef, Coral Reefs, 33, 847-861 (PDF). Press coverage in STRI News.

Reidenbach M.A., Berg P., Hume A., Hansen J.C.R., and Whitman E.R., 2013, Hydrodynamics of intertidal oyster reefs: the influence of boundary layer flow processes on sediment and oxygen exchange, Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments, 3, 225-239 (PDF).

Pravin S. and Reidenbach M.A., 2013, Simultaneous sampling of flow and odorants by crustaceans can aid searches within a turbulent plume, Sensors, 13, 16591-16610 (PDF).

Nelson J.M., Mellon DeF., and Reidenbach M.A., 2013, Effects of antennule morphology and flicking kinematics on flow and odor sampling by the freshwater crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, Chemical Senses, 38(8), 729-741. (link to PDF)

McGlathery K.J., Reidenbach M.A., D'Odorico P., Fagherazzi S., Pace M.L., and Porter J.H., 2013, Nonlinear dynamics and alternative stable states in shallow coastal systems, Oceanography, 26(3):220–231. (PDF)

Fuchs H.L. and Reidenbach M.A., 2013, Biophysical constraints on optimal patch lengths for settlement of a reef-building bivalve, PLoS ONE, 8(8): e71506. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071506. (PDF)

Grady A.E., Moore L.J., Storlazzi C.D., Elias E., and Reidenbach M.A., 2013, The influence of sea-level rise and changes in fringing reef morphology on gradients in alongshore sediment transport, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(12), 3096-3101. (PDF)

Hansen J.C.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2013, Seasonal growth and senescence of a Zostera marina seagrass meadow alters wave-dominated flow and sediment suspension within a coastal bay, Estuaries and Coasts, 36, 1099-1114. (PDF)

Whitman E.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2012, Benthic flow environments affect recruitment of Crassostrea virginica larvae to an intertidal oyster reef, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 463, 177-191. (PDF)

Pravin S., Mellon D.F., and Reidenbach M.A., 2012, Micro-scale fluid and odorant transport to antennules of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 198, 669-681. (PDF)

Katz T., Yahel G., Reidenbach M.A., Tunnicliffe V., Herut B., Crusius J., Whitney F., and Lazar B., 2012, Resuspension by fish facilitates the transport and redistribution of coastal sediments, Limnology and Oceanography, 57(4), 945-958. (PDF)

Hansen J.C.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2012, Wave and tidally driven flows in eelgrass beds and their effect on sediment suspension, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 448, 271-287. (PDF)

Reidenbach M.A. and Koehl M.A.R., 2011, The spatial and temporal patterns of odors sampled by lobsters and crabs in a turbulent plume, Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, 3138-3153. (PDF)

Mellon D.F. and Reidenbach M.A., 2011, Fluid mechanical problems in crustacean active chemoreception, in Frontiers in Sensing: From Biology to Engineering, F. Barth, J.A.C. Humphrey and M.V. Srinivasan (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 159-170. (PDF)

Leys S.P., Yahel G., Reidenbach M.A., Tunnicliffe V., Shavit U., and Reiswig H.M., 2011, The sponge pump: the role of current induced flow in the design of the sponge body plan, PLoS ONE, 6(12): e27787.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027787. (PDF)

Reidenbach M.A., Limm M., Hondzo M., and Stacey M.T., 2010, The effects of bed roughness on boundary layer mixing and mass flux across the sediment-water interface, Water Resources Research, 46, W07530, doi:10.1029/2009WR008248. (PDF)

Monismith S.G., Davis K.A., Shellenbarger G.G., Hench J.L., Nidzieko N.J., Santoro A.E., Reidenbach M.A., Rosman J.H., Holtzman R., Martens C.S., Lindquist N.L., Southwell M.W., and Genin A., 2010, Flow effects on benthic grazing on a tropical reef, Limnology and Oceanography, 55(5), 1881-1892. (PDF)

Koehl M.A.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2010, Swimming by microscopic organisms in ambient water flow, in Animal Locomotion, G. Taylor, M. Triantafyllou, and C. Tropea (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 117-130. (PDF)

Genin A., Monismith, S.G., Reidenbach M.A., Yahel G., and Koseff J.R., 2009, Intense benthic grazing of phytoplankton in a coral reef, Limnology and Oceanography, 54(3), 938-951. (PDF).

Reidenbach M.A., Koseff J.R., and Koehl M.A.R., 2009, Hydrodynamic forces on larvae affect their settlement on coral reefs in turbulent, wave driven flow, Limnology and Oceanography, 54(1), 318-330. (PDF)

Reidenbach M.A.,George N.T., and Koehl M.A.R., 2008, Antennule morphology and flicking kinematics facilitate odor sampling by the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, Journal of Experimental Biology, 211, 2849-2858. (link to PDF)  Inside JEB Feature Article

Kamio M.,Reidenbach M.A., and Derby C.D., 2008, To paddle or not: context dependent courtship display by male blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, Journal of Experimental Biology, 211, 1243-1248. (link to PDF) Press coverage: Science Magazine Editor's ChoiceNational GeographicThe New ScientistDiscovery Channel's Daily PlanetInside JEB Feature Article

Koehl M.A.R. and Reidenbach M.A., 2007, Swimming by microscopic organisms in ambient water flow, Experiments in Fluids, 43, 755-768. (PDF)

Reidenbach M.A., Koseff J.R., and Monismith S.G., 2007, Laboratory experiments of fine-scale mixing and mass transport within a coral canopy, Physics of Fluids, 19(7), 075107, doi:10.1063/1.2752189. (PDF)

Koehl M.A.R., Strother J.A., Reidenbach M.A., Koseff J.R., and Hadfield M.G., 2007, Individual-based model of larval transport to coral reefs in turbulent, wave-driven flow: behavioral responses to dissolved settlement inducer, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 335, 1-18. (PDF)  MEPS Feature Article

Reidenbach M.A., Monismith S.G., Koseff J.R., Yahel G., and Genin A., 2006, Boundary layer turbulence and flow structure over a fringing coral reef, Limnology and Oceanography, 51(5), 1956-1968. (PDF)

Monismith S.G., Genin A., Reidenbach M.A., Yahel G., and Koseff J.R., 2006, Thermally driven exchanges between a coral reef and the adjoining ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36(7), 1332-1347. (PDF)

Reidenbach M.A., Koseff J.R., Monismith S.G., Steinbuck J.V., and Genin A., 2006, The effects of waves and morphology on mass transfer within branched reef corals, Limnology and Oceanography, 51(2): 1134-1141. (PDF)

Holzman R., Reidenbach M.A., Monismith S.G., Koseff J.R., Genin A., 2005, Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over a coral reef: II. Relationships with zooplankton swimming ability, Coral Reefs, 24(1), 87-94(PDF)

Genin A., Yahel G., Reidenbach M.A., Monismith S.G. and Koseff J.R., 2002, Intense benthic grazing on phytoplankton in coral reefs revealed using the control volume approach, Oceanography, 15(2), 90-96 (PDF)